Starting with a new task - Bundling jdk with Scilab and manual signing of Application

New Starting

I am so happy that I passed the first evaluation. The moment I recieved the mail, it filled me with a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm.
I will work with all my efforts to get things aligned perfectly, lets have a look at a few things.

List of challenges for this task

  1. Even after jdk8, scilab app shows error that the legacy JAVA SE 6 is required to open this application
  2. Then bundling jdk with Scilab app.
  3. Then finally signing of the app.

Let's take one step at a time to fix the issues.
  1. The JAVA SE 6 issue:
    FIX: Replacing following lines in Info.plist of jdk to be bundled with solves the issue, and the app works well even if JAVA SE 6 is not present.

Atleast one problem is solved, I am very happy, will take other problems one by one too.

Hoping for Best.
Happily Coding
Divyanshu Kumar